Monday, August 14, 2006

Straying beyond science

Martin Hilbert's article "Darwin's Divisions" (Touchstone, June 2006) provides a useful pointer to the International Theological Commission held at Rome during 2000 to 2002. Their report, entitled "Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God," sets a definite limit on what science can say:

"In the Catholic perspective, neo-Darwinians who adduce random genetic variation and natural selection as evidence that the process of evolution is absolutely unguided are straying beyond what can be demonstrated by science."

Why? "Divine causality can be active in a process that is both contingent and guided. Any evolutionary mechanism that is contingent can only be contingent because God made it so."

If the controversy is not a scientific one, the next step is to consider the philosophical issues.

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