Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Resurrection by Piero

The Resurrection, by Piero della Francesco (image: Wikipedia)

This image of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is in San Sepolcro, Italy.  Around 1465, Piero della Francesco created this fresco, which Aldous Huxley called "the greatest picture in the world" because of its "natural, spontaneous, and unpretentious grandeur." 

According to the Web Gallery of Art:
The composition is divided into two separate perspective zones. The lower area, where the artist has placed the sleeping guards, has a very low vanishing point. Alberti, in his theoretical writings, suggests that the vanishing point should be at the same level as the figures' eyes. By placing it on a lower level, Piero foreshortens his figures, thus making them more imposing in their monumental solidity. Above the figures of the sleeping sentries, Piero has placed the watchful Christ, no longer seen from below, but perfectly frontally. The resurrected Christ, portrayed with solid peasant features, is nonetheless a perfect representative of Piero's human ideal: concrete, restrained and hieratic as well. The splendid landscape also belongs to the repertory of popular sacred images: Piero has symbolically depicted it as half still immersed in the barrenness of winter, and half already brought back to life - resurrected - by springtime.

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