Wednesday, April 04, 2007

True Confessions

In the Washington Post Sunday Magazine on March 25, 2007, Jeanne Marie Laskas had another great column, this one titled True Confessions.
Since my daughter Colleen just made her first confession and is now preparing for First Communion, we enjoyed it greatly.
(Of course, those of you who have no experience going to confession may find it dumb, not humorous.)

Helping Colleen prepare for these sacraments has been very educational: I've learned some important things I never knew, remembered some things I forgot, and increased my understanding of these important sacraments.
We believe that they are important ways to receive God's grace, ways that he communicates with us and becomes present to us.
It is mysterious, I know, but no less wonderful for being mysterious.
Those interested in learning more can see the relevant entries in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (otherwise known as Confession) and Sacrament of the Eucharist (otherwise known as Communion).

I'm in the middle of reading the latest issue of First Things and will certainly have a post about the article on faith and science.
Stay tuned.

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